Open Positions

Buy Call


Open position for buying a naked call option(BTC-3JUL24-61250-C) with amount of 0.0000001 WBTC:

ts-node scripts/trade.ts -o -i BTC-3JUL24-61250-C --buy --call --naked -p wbtc -a 0.0000001

Sell Call

  • In Sell Call case, the payment currency must be same as underlying asset.

  • Every payment asset is wrapped. If underlying asset is BTC, the given input of payment asset should be wbtc.


Open position for selling a naked call option(BTC-3JUL24-61250-C) with amount of 0.0000001 WBTC contracts:

ts-node scripts/trade.ts -o -i BTC-3JUL24-61250-C --sell --call --naked -p wbtc -a 0.0000001

Buy Call Spread


Open position for buying a combo call option(BTC-3JUL24-61250-C) with amount of 0.000001 WBTC with pair strike price of 63000:

ts-node scripts/trade.ts -o -i BTC-3JUL24-61250-C --buy --call --combo -p eth -a 0.000001 -pair 63000

Sell Call Spread

  • In Sell Call Spread case, the payment currency should be USDC.


Open position for selling a combo call option(BTC-3JUL24-61250-C) with collateral amount of 0.01 USDC with pair strike price of 63000:

ts-node scripts/trade.ts -o -i BTC-3JUL24-61250-C --sell --call --combo -p usdc -a 0.01 --pair 63000

Buy Put


Open position for buying a naked put option(BTC-3JUL24-61250-P) with amount of 0.01 USDC:

ts-node scripts/trade.ts -o -i BTC-3JUL24-61250-P --buy --put --naked -p usdc -a 0.01

Sell Put

  • In Sell Put case, the payment currency should be USDC.


Open position for selling a naked put option(BTC-3JUL24-61250-P) with collateral amount of 0.01 USDC:

ts-node scripts/trade.ts -o -i BTC-3JUL24-61250-P --sell --put --naked -p usdc -a 0.01

Buy Put Spread


Open position for buying a combo put option(BTC-3JUL24-61250-P) with paying amount of 0.001 WBTC with pair strike price of 60500:

ts-node scripts/trade.ts -o -i BTC-3JUL24-61250-P --buy --put --combo -p usdc -a 0.001 --pair 60500

Sell Put Spread

  • In Sell Put Spread case, the payment currency should be USDC.


Open position for selling a combo put option(BTC-3JUL24-61250-P) with amount of 0.1 USDC with pair strike price of 60500:

ts-node scripts/trade.ts -o -i BTC-3JUL24-61250-P --sell --put --combo -p usdc -a 0.1 --pair 60500

Last updated