
Vanilla Options

Types of Order

  • Moby's current matching engine allows only market orders

  • Orderbooks and limit orders will be offered in the future

  • Users can execute orders for the following

    • Buy Call Options

    • Sell Call Options

    • Buy Put Options

    • Sell Put Options

Contract Specification


Underlying Asset

  • wBTC (0x2f2a2543B76A4166549F7aaB2e75Bef0aefC5B0f)

  • wETH (0x82aF49447D8a07e3bd95BD0d56f35241523fBab1)

  • Other underlying assets will be added moving forward

Tick Size

  • Less than $1^(-6)

Contract Multiplier

  • 1X

Trading Hours

  • Available 24/7

  • Open / close available up to 30 minutes before option expires

Strike Prices

  • Options with significant liquidity on Deribit, OKX, and Bybit

Expiration Dates

  • Short-term OLP: 1 day, 2 days

  • Mid-term OLP: 1 week, 1 month

Exercise Style

  • European

  • Options can only be exercised on expiration date

Settlement Value

  • Settled in collateral assets (BTC / ETH / USDC) immediately

  • Settlement value is determined by averaging the corresponding Mobyโ€™s Futures Index over the last 30 minutes before expiration

Initial Margin

  • Buy Call/Put Options: None

  • Sell Call/Put Options: 100% collateral for underlying assets

Maintenance Margin

  • Buy Call/Put Options: none

  • Sell Call/Put Options: No liquidation; Requires 100% collateral when traders take sell position

Mark Price

  • Current value of option calculated by Moby's SLE Pricing Module


  • Trade Fee

    • 0.03% of notional value

    • Max 50% of Execution Price

  • Settlement Fee

    • 0.02% of notional value

    • Max 50% of Execution Price

For more details about Fees, please read:

Fee Generation

Combo Options

Types of Order

  • Moby's current matching engine allows only market orders

  • Orderbooks and limit orders will be offered in the future

  • Users can execute orders for the following

    • Buy Call Spread

    • Sell Call Spread

    • Buy Put Spread

    • Sell Put Spread

Contract Specification


Underlying Asset

  • wBTC (0x2f2a2543B76A4166549F7aaB2e75Bef0aefC5B0f)

  • wETH (0x82aF49447D8a07e3bd95BD0d56f35241523fBab1)

  • Other underlying assets will be added moving forward

Tick Size

  • Less than $1^(-6)

Contract Multiplier

  • 1X

Trading Hours

  • Available 24/7

  • Open / close available up to 30 minutes before option expires

Strike Prices

  • Intervals one unit smaller than those of Vanilla Options on Moby

Expiration Dates

  • Short-term OLP: 1 day, 2 days

  • Mid-term OLP: 1 week, 1 month

Exercise Style

  • European

  • Options can only be exercised on expiration date

Settlement Value

  • Settled in USDC immediately

  • Settlement value is determined by averaging the corresponding Mobyโ€™s Futures Index over the last 30 minutes before expiration

Initial Margin

  • Buy Call/Put Options: None

  • Sell Call/Put Options: Requires 100% collateral for max payoff

Mark Price

  • Current value of option calculated by Moby's SLE Pricing Module


  • Trade Fee

    • 0.03% of Notional Value

    • Max 50% of Total Execution Price

  • Settlement Fee

    • 0.02% of Notional Value

    • Max 50% of Settle Payoff

For more details about Fees, please read:

Fee Generation

Last updated